John Trotter - Information Services Director

John Trotter is director of information services for SFG. He has been with the company since 1977.

Trotter has more than 30 years of experience with fulfillment systems development and management, beginning at Annie's Attic, where he led the development of product, subscription and continuity fulfillment systems that ultimately formed the basis for SFG's systems.

He also managed the order processing center and computer services at Annie's Attic, overseeing mail processing, order processing, customer service, order filling and warehouse operations, and built a strong IS team. Key elements of this group continue to underpin IS efforts at SFG.

Trotter received a bachelor's degree from Ambassador College in East Texas and was initially employed as a programmer/analyst in the college's computer center. He currently contributes to the computer science curriculum evaluation committee at Kilgore College in Kilgore, Texas.

Trotter and his wife, Dee, have been married since 1983, and have one child. His hobbies include reading -- especially military history, marksmanship, outdoor sports and family activities.